Donald  or  Kamala  for  the  white  house?  an  astrological  appraisal             

On Tuesday, 5th November 2024, USA citizens will vote for their next President.  Kamala Harris, following Joe Biden’s announcement that he will stand down at the end of his current term in office, has accepted the nomination as her Democratic Party’s candidate for President.  Donald Trump has already been out on the campaign trail as the Republican’s nominee, and is probably now a little unsettled by the resounding new confidence of the opposition. Whereas few would have doubted Trump would cancel out Biden in the forthcoming race, now Trump seems to have a fight on his hands.

So, let the BATTLE commence.

Trump knows how to win – he’s done it before.  Harris demonstrated in her nomination speech that she can talk tough.  But can she play tough?

At first glance, the birthcharts of each show similar traits. Kamala is a “people pleaser”,  easily sociable with her Gemini Ascendant, Libra Sun and Moon in the 11th house in Aries, and likes to make friends. Donald is also sociable, loves people (especially when they are his audience) and looks upon friends as family – Ascendant Leo, Sun in Gemini and three planets in Cancer in the 11th house.

Both have an inner wilfulness and determination – Kamala’s chart ruler, Mercury, is in the determined sign of Scorpio, conjunct her Sun Libra, and she has a potentially explosive Uranus/Pluto conjunction – albeit in Virgo – in the 4th house.  Her Midheaven ruler (profession and career, as well as public image) is also in Scorpio, in her 6th house of work and daily routine. She can be a force to be reckoned with.  Donald has Uranus conjunct his Sun in Gemini in his 10th house of profession and public image, which is why he is seen as being somewhat unpredictable, but it also suggests a wilful nature of someone who likes to get his own way.  He is someone who enjoys and is very comfortable with the limelight (Leo rising), and Kamala has shown she can match him there.  Both are fiery with their Moons in Sagittarius and Aries respectively.

The main difference seems to be in that Kamala has a soft fist over a steel hand, whereas Donald has a steel fist over a soft hand.  That is, Kamala’s strength is not immediately obvious behind her pleasant, smiling and approachable demeanour.  With the Scorpio energy (chart ruler and midheaven ruler) she can be manipulative, even devious, when it pleases her and direct and to the point.  Donald puts it all out there in words and actions (not all of them PC) but has – if his chart is to be believed – a soft underbelly where he needs family and something to belong to (Sun ruler and Midheaven ruler, Venus, in Cancer).  However, Donald’s unaspected Pluto (in the 12th house of hidden enemies) gives him all the Scorpio energy he needs immediately at his disposal.

But what about the SUITABILITY of each to lead the USA on the world stage.

Looking at Kamala’s chart against the 1781 chart of the USA, the eye is immediately drawn to the connection between her Full Moon (Sun 27 degrees Libra opposite Moon 27 degrees Aries) and the USA New Moon (Sun 24 degrees and Moon 28 degrees Libra).  One might think if looking for a relationship, they were heaven sent!  Her Full Moon also picks up the North Node of the USA chart (25 degrees Aries) giving their association a “fated” or destiny feel.  Both Kamala and the USA charts have mutable angles, and perhaps this might not offer enough stability for national or world leadership, although it would allow for versatility and adaptability to events and situations.

If we compare Donald’s chart to the USA chart, there is not such an outstandingly obvious connection as with Kamala, but his Moon sits in the first house of Identity of the USA chart, and sextile the Moon of the USA.  This suggests that over the years there will always be a strong emotional connection, and since the USA’s identity is a Sagittarian one, Trump’s Moon is very much in sync with reaching out for more knowledge, more meaning and more understanding, whether that be in space or with other countries and nations, as well as facing and not being afraid to take risks.  Donald also has a connection to the New Moon of the USA chart, with a harmonious trine from his Sun/North Node conjunction in Gemini.  So he also has a Sun and Moon connection to the Sun/Moon of the USA, and its soul and spirit.  Donald’s Venus, pleasing planet of relationships, also makes a harmonious aspect to the Venus of the USA chart, which rules the 6th house of everyday matters in the USA chart.

When looking at the Composite chart (Relationship/midpoint chart) of Kamala/USA, there is a strong Scorpio flavour (issues of power, control, finance) with Pluto stationary on the South Node/North Node axis and four planets in the Composite 8th house. Destiny could be involved here.  The angles are mutable suggesting a lack of stability and restless foundations to the union.

The Composite between Donald and the USA also shows a strong Scorpio flavour with the Moon sitting in the 2nd in Scorpio and three planets in Scorpio in the first house (of a Libra Ascendant).  The Moon also sits on the South Node of the nodal axis suggesting that destiny is also involved here.  The angles of this Composite are cardinal – adding direction and determination to the union.

So, what about the OUTCOME…

Will Kamala be too eager to please for USA and World respect?  Will Donald’s past misdemeanours be his downfall?  Will Donald’s head start on the campaign trail work in his favour or will Kamala’s lack of time avoid the unravelling of potential weaknesses in her armour? 

Donald has shown he can handle the job – both at home and on the World stage.  Kamala is an unknown.  The current world volatility is worrying and countries look to the USA to take the lead in balancing unrest.  Heavy decisions may have to be taken.  Both Harris and Trump have innate guts, determination and a love of country.

It’s a hard one to call and it could be a mean fight …… Looking at the most prominent planetary transits to the two individual charts of Trump and Harris, on the day of the election, the influences on Trump’s chart persuade me that he will get in (transitting Jupiter, ruler of the USA chart, sits on his North Node (destiny) and Uranus (planet of the unexpected) is in Retrograde motion back towards his Midheaven/10th cusp of prominence, profession and public image. This could suggest a surprise return to power.   In the chart of Kamala Harris, Jupiter (luck) is moving Retrograde off her Ascendant, (personal image and identity), not crossing it until April 2025, and Saturn is moving Retrograde off her Chiron (authenticity) in 10th of profession and public image, not returning near the Midheaven, both suggesting this is not yet her time.